

We recommend you join not only the county group, but also your corresponding community and regional groups. This gives you flexibility in who you want to direct your posts to.



We recommend you join not only the county group, but also your corresponding community and regional groups. This gives you flexibility as to which group of members you want to direct your post to.

Please take a moment to review the Thurston County Residents Talk Groups Rules of Conduct before you post. These Do's and Don'ts have been developed, over time, to make involvement in your specific community group, your regional group, and the main Thurston County, WA group productive, enjoyable, and enriching for you, the public, and other residents of Thurston County, WA.

NOTE! If you do not live in a particular community or region, please do not try to join that group. If you wish to post to more communities in your general region of Thurston County, simply post in your region group accessed below. If you have something to post that applies to all residents in Thurston County, post to the main Thurston County, WA group.

NOTE! If you find a link not working, simply scroll down slightly so the main menu at the top disappears.


Things the Thurston County Residents Talk Groups

Things the Thurston County Residents Talk Groups

NOTE: These rules apply to not only the main Thurston County Talks group, but all of the community groups as well as the four regional groups.

Universal Type Stuff

Make It Positive

Contributions, including comments on posts, should only be of a positive nature.
Listen With Respect

Listen to each other and show respect. Treat others as you would want to be treated.
Contribute Your Ideas

Share ideas you have that could improve the experience for members and visitors to the group.
Join the Appropriate Thurston County Residents Talk Groups

(NOTE: click anywhere in this section to go to the page where you can find the three Residents Talk groups you should join)

The Thurston County Residents Talk Facebook Groups provides a general county-based group for every resident of Thurston County. Residents also have a regional group and a community group they should join. These provide for conversations more specific to the actual areas in Thurston County each resident lives in and the people they want to connect with.

If you already joined more than one community group, you should take yourself out of any you don't actually live in, and join the corresponding regional group. That way, you are able to reach all members living in your general area of the county.
Post in The Most Appropriate Thurston County Group

Make sure your post(s) are relevant to the group. There very well may be another group within the Thurston County Facebook Groups which would be a better fit. The links to groups available include...

Group Specific DO'S (just suggestions)

Interact With Other Residents

Have questions about the community, region, or county? This is a great place to start that conversation.
Get Referrals

Needing help finding a vendor/small business, babysitter, someone to take care of your yard or...? Ask away.
Share Your In-Home Business

Let local members know about your no-employees in-home small business. A list of pre-approved business types can be found by clicking here. This list will be updated from time to time so if you're not sure, please check the list. Don't forget to also post in the your Regional Group(s), the Thurston County Talks group, Thurston County Small Business group and, if applicable, the Thurston County Events Group.
Share an Event

Let members know about an upcoming Thurston County Event you or someone else is putting on. The event can even be small business related as long as no fees are involved to attend and 'events' at any particular business aren't posted more than once per month. Don't forget to also post it in the Thurston County Events group and, if applicable, the Thurston County Small Businesses Group.
Get Help Finding a Lost Pet or Their Owner

Post photos, information, possible whereabouts of your lost pet. If you see a pet wandering around without an owner, take a photo and post it. Don't forget to also post it in the Thurston County Pets group!
Post Your Needs

Needing help figuring out something? Ask the group. Share it from the main group to your regional group, and community groups.
Common Interests

Find people with common interests to share information with.
Post FREE Stuff and Garage Sales

The Thurston County Residents Talk groups are not for posting items for sale. Please post in the Thurston County For Sale or Wanted group. However, if you're having a garage/yard sale, or are giving away something for free, that's just fine to post in the Residents Talk groups.
Post Current Traffic Issues

If there was an accident or some other incident which has affected navigating the roads, let people know about it.

NOTE: These rules apply to not only the main Thurston County Talks group, but all of the community groups as well as the four regional groups.

Universal Type Stuff

Make It Positive

Contributions, including comments on posts, should only be of a positive nature.
Listen With Respect

Listen to each other and show respect. Treat others as you would want to be treated.
Contribute Your Ideas

Share ideas you have that could improve the experience for members and visitors to the group.
Join the Appropriate Thurston County Residents Talk Groups

(NOTE: click anywhere in this section to go to the page where you can find the three Residents Talk groups you should join)

The Thurston County Residents Talk Facebook Groups provides a general county-based group for every resident of Thurston County. Residents also have a regional group and a community group they should join. These provide for conversations more specific to the actual areas in Thurston County each resident lives in and the people they want to connect with.

If you already joined more than one community group, you should take yourself out of any you don't actually live in, and join the corresponding regional group. That way, you are able to reach all members living in your general area of the county.
Be Relevant

Make sure your posts are relevant to Accomplished People in Thurston County, WA. If not, there very well may be another group within the Thurston County Facebook Groups which would be a better fit. The links to groups available include...

Group Specific DO'S

Interact With Other Residents

Have questions about the community, region, or county? This is a great place to start that conversation.
Get Referrals

Needing help finding a vendor/small business, babysitter, someone to take care of your yard or...? Ask away.
Share Your In-Home Business

Let local members know about your no-employees in-home small business. A list of pre-approved business types can be found by clicking here. This list will be updated from time to time so if you're not sure, please check the list. Don't forget to also post in the your Regional Group(s), the Thurston County Talks group, Thurston County Small Business group and, if applicable, the Thurston County Events Group.
Share an Event

Let members know about an upcoming Thurston County Event you or someone else is putting on. The event can even be small business related as long as no fees are involved to attend and 'events' at any particular business aren't posted more than once per month. Don't forget to also post it in the Thurston County Events group and, if applicable, the Thurston County Small Businesses Group.
Get Help Finding a Lost Pet or Their Owner

Post photos, information, possible whereabouts of your lost pet. If you see a pet wandering around without an owner, take a photo and post it. Don't forget to also post it in the Thurston County Pets group!
Post Your Needs

Needing help figuring out something? Ask the group. Share it from the main group to your regional group, and your community group.
Common Interests

Find people with common interests to share information with.
Post FREE Stuff and Garage Sales

The Thurston County Residents Talk groups are not for posting items for sale. Please post in the Thurston County For Sale or Wanted group. However, if you're having a garage/yard sale, or are giving away something for free, that's just fine to post in the Residents Talk groups.
Post Current Traffic Issues

If there was an accident or some other incident which has affected navigating the roads, let people know about it.

Things the Thurston County Residents Talk Group

Things the Thurston County Residents Talk Group



The first rule breaking offense will be chalked up to not reading the rules. The post will simply be taken down. The next two offenses will result in warnings. After that, the offender will be banned from the group.
No Scamming/Fraudulent Postings (duh)

We all want to feel safe in our groups. Scamming and fraudulent postings will not be tolerated. These include, but are not limited to, duct cleaning, small business loan scams, bogus job scams, bogus moving and selling everything scams, chimney cleaning scams, vehicle detailing scams, fake medical fundraisers, shopping scams, giveaway scams, coupon code scams, lottery scams, romance scams, fake charity scams, Facebook quiz scams, Facebook friend requests, suspicious personal links, (someone) died recently in an accident... I think you may have known (this person), lost animal scam, alzheimer's patient scam, and phishing scams among others.
No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
No Misbehaving

Misbehaviour of any kind will not be tolerated in the group. If a member is found misbehaving with admins or with members, they will be removed from the group without any warning.

Group Specific DON'TS

Don't Try to Join or Post if You Don't Live Here

Thurston County Residents Talk is actually a collection of groups comprised of thirty communities, four regions, and the main Thurston County WA group. They are specifically for residents of Thurston County to interact with other residents of Thurston County.
Don't Join Groups You Don't Belong In

The Thurston Talk Groups are designed for maximum flexibility and efficiency of interactions. For interactions with nearby residents, each member should belong to the community group they actually live in. Do not join a community group you do not live in.

In addition, for interactions benefiting from posting to neighboring communities, they should join their corresponding regional group. Do not join a regional group you do not live in.
Commercial Business Postings Are Not Allowed

Commercial businesses are defined as anything that is NOT a small in-home no-employees type business such as local farm products, fruit/vegetable/flower/honey stands, arts and crafts, etc. Basically farmers markets type things ARE allowed along with in-home businesses listed on the Group Specific Do's list.

Free Events Postings Are Allowed (with the exception of...)

Free Events designed to help the community become aware of the local business. These can be posted no more than once per month. The Thurston County Small Businesses Group is specifically for business postings. Also, you could post in the Thurston County Events group.

Don't Post...

Pyramid Schemes, Franchises, Multi-Level type jobs, etc. etc.
Don't Post...

Negative personal rants about someone, even if it's true what you're saying. Negativity is not allowed.
Don't Try to Sell or Rent Things

This is a local discussion group, i.e. what's happening in the area, a pet ran away, who could use some help, etc. etc. If you have something to sell or rent, use the Thurston County For Sale Group.
No Gossip or Claims About Anyone

Don't spread gossip or make unsubstantiated claims about anyone, including but not limited to public officials, educators, politicians, business people or companies, media outlets, etc.
Religion Related Posts Are Not Allowed

Don't engage in religious opinions, religious marketing, promotion of religious gatherings or religious services, etc.
Political Posts Are Not Allowed

Don't post anything of a political nature, including, but not limited to political campaigning, political rants or personal attacks of any kind or offer unsolicited, biased advice about local politics, even if you believe you are right (which, of course, you are!)
No Personal Status

Don't give personal status updates on how your day is going. Please reserve these for your own Facebook page.
Don't Use the Group for Personal Communications

Don't publicly communicate with an individual, by name Or description. Please contact them directly or put the word out in your own personal status.
Don't Ask For Financial Assistance

Don't actively ask for money including, but not limited to, Go Fund Me pages and links.
No Irrelevant Posts and/or Links

Posts and/or links unrelated to Thurston County Residents Talk are not allowed. The Thurston County, WA Facebook Groups provides groups for most every non-controversial purpose. The links to groups available include...
The Following Post Types Will Get You Banned (we must protect our group members)

Unless we know, for sure, that you are a legitimate business, the following post types will get you banned.
Chimney Cleaning, Duct Cleaning, Car Detailing, Selling Everything, My Child is Autistic and..., My Dad (Mom) died and... Basically any type of post that has been known to be a scam, whether it is or not, unless we specifically know of the business. Business postings must go in the Thurston County Small Business group, not the Thurston County Talks groups.

Access to the Thurston County, WA Facebook Groups




The first rule breaking offense will be chalked up to not reading the rules. The post will simply be taken down. The next two offenses will result in warnings. After that, the offender will be banned from the group.
No Scamming/Fraudulent Postings (duh)

We all want to feel safe in our groups. Scamming and fraudulent postings will not be tolerated. These include, but are not limited to, duct cleaning, small business loan scams, bogus job scams, bogus moving and selling everything scams, chimney cleaning scams, vehicle detailing scams, fake medical fundraisers, shopping scams, giveaway scams, coupon code scams, lottery scams, romance scams, fake charity scams, Facebook quiz scams, Facebook friend requests, suspicious personal links, (someone) died recently in an accident... I think you may have known (this person), lost animal scam, alzheimer's patient scam, and phishing scams among others.
No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
No Misbehaving

Misbehaviour of any kind will not be tolerated in the group. If a member is found misbehaving with admins or with members, they will be removed from the group without any warning.

Group Specific DON'TS

Don't Try to Join or Post if You Don't Live Here

Thurston County Residents Talk is actually a collection of groups comprised of thirty communities, four regions, and the main Thurston County WA group. They are specifically for residents of Thurston County to interact with other residents of Thurston County.
Don't Join Groups You Don't Belong In

The Thurston Talk Groups are designed for maximum flexibility and efficiency of interactions. For interactions with nearby residents, each member should belong to the community group they actually live in. Do not join a community group you do not live in.

In addition, for interactions benefiting from posting to neighboring communities, they should join their corresponding regional group. Do not join a regional group you do not live in.
Business Postings Are Not Allowed (with the exception of...)

Free Events designed to help the community become aware of the local business. These can be posted no more than once per month. The Thurston County Small Businesses Group is specifically for business postings. Also, you could post in the Thurston County Events group.
Don't Post...

Pyramid Schemes, Franchises, Multi-Level type jobs, etc. etc.
Don't Try to Sell or Rent Things

This is a local discussion group, i.e. what's happening in the area, a pet ran away, who could use some help, etc. etc. If you have something to sell or rent, use the Thurston County For Sale Group.
No Gossip or Claims About Anyone

Don't spread gossip or make unsubstantiated claims about anyone, including but not limited to public officials, educators, politicians, business people or companies, media outlets, etc.
Religion Related Posts Are Not Allowed

Don't engage in religious opinions, religious marketing, promotion of religious gatherings or religious services, etc.
Political Posts Are Not Allowed

Don't post anything of a political nature, including, but not limited to political campaigning, political rants or personal attacks of any kind or offer unsolicited, biased advice about local politics, even if you believe you are right (which, of course, you are!)
No Personal Status

Don't give personal status updates on how your day is going. Please reserve these for your own Facebook page.
Don't Use the Group for Personal Communications

Don't publicly communicate with an individual, by name Or description. Please contact them directly or put the word out in your own personal status.
Don't Ask For Financial Assistance

Don't actively ask for money including, but not limited to, Go Fund Me pages and links.
No Irrelevant Posts and/or Links

Posts and/or links unrelated to Thurston County Residents Talk are not allowed. The Thurston County, WA Facebook Groups provides groups for most every non-controversial purpose. The links to groups available include...

Access to the Thurston County, WA Facebook Groups


I already know, for sure, which region and community I live in.

Join the Thurston County Talks group
If you already know which region and community you live in, but haven't joined the main Thurston County Talks group, click on the Join the Main County Group map below.
Join your Region Talks group
Either search Facebook for your regional group or come back to this page and click on the appropriate region group map, below, to go there and join.
Join your Community Talks group
Either search Facebook for the appropriate community group or come back here and select it below the 30 Communities of Thurston County map.

I'm not positive which community and/or region I live in.

CLICK HERE to go to maps with larger images
These interactive maps will help you determine the correct region and community to join.
Join the Thurston County Talks group
Click on the Join the Main County Group map below.
Join your Region Talks group
Either search Facebook for your regional group or come back to this page and click on the appropriate region group map, below, to go there and join.
Join your Community Talks group
Either search Facebook for the appropriate community group or come back here and select it below the 30 Communities of Thurston County map.

Join the Main County Group

Join Your Regional Group

Join Your Regional Group

NW Thurston County

NE Thurston County

SW Thurston County

SE Thurston County

Join Your Community Group

Clickable Labels
